dijous, 9 de setembre del 2010

De tornada

Apa khabar!!!

Si si!! He tornat! He tornat a volar Oz to Kuala Lumpur. This country it's f. hot!! Panaaas!! But I like it! I start to remember things I forgot already... small details like how they use the thumb to indicate directions, the sound they use to call the waiter or somebody, it sounds as a kiss... and i'll remember more, slowly slowly because in this life everything arrive!! :)

Now I'm in KL international airport... making time until my couch will be available... i'm not sure if take the bus or do hitchhiking... i'm thinking take the bus, i want a little relax... 

Thousands of thanks to all my family I left in Turnstyle, in Brissie. One by one. What a wonderful pleasure to be part of this amazing family!! Never i'll forget everything you have been giving to me. Only i'll miss you a looot my brothers and sisters!! You know, you have home in Barcelona! If u wait a bit, we'll meet there!! mmm!! Thanks, thanks, thanks! I learnt a lot and i'm so happy to could share the life with u guys! Continuous always like that! I love youuuuuu!!

Well people!! see u soon??!!
Like always... take care, enjoy and be happy!!