dimecres, 9 de juny del 2010

Una més de les antigues

Mother Falls (second version)

Yesterday, from Magick River we went to the Mother Falls. We means Mary, her niece Nancy, Vicky, Tabitha, Mamoo and me. The trekking, if I can say trekking to 40 minutes walking into the jungle crossing the river, was so nice!

The nature is so interesting! The shapes, the colors, the smells, the texture... the trees are incredible and huge! the plants are amazing! What a ingenious shapes nature is creating to grow, to protect, to procreate!! Mmm, can you imagine? Alright, now it's the moment to show pictures... but ejem! I'm sorry!! I don't have any. I wanted enjoy the moment and not be worried about the camera. Well, then you can imagine, sure!... amazing path into the jungle!

Inside this amazing path, the nature has offered to Mamoo and me a demonstration of a giant beetle flying around us, I started to follow it and behind a few leaves i could see.. uuuaaauu!! Mother falls!! Amazing water falling from the mountain, making strong noise, weird wind and beautiful view!Two or I would like to say two and half waterfalls were in front of us with a small lake, big rocks and some local tourist inside the lake too :( Mary, that she knows the place, told us that from the top of the waterfall, which one we couldn't see, is possible see another three more waterfalls! For another day.

After checking the waterfall quickly Tabitha and me said 'we have to go in!'... don't be worry, it looks scarier than what it is... or not! Mmm... The water is not really cold, it's fresh. I can just walk in the lake, small climb and I'm close to the strong water! I can feel it really close to us!! Feeling the power for a few minutes... imagine... we were inside a big hole on a big rock which it looked like it was made from the water falling, with a lot of water on the bottom moving around in all directions with strong power, listening to the strong sound and listening and feeling the wind. Mmmm!! From there I jumped into the bottom of the waterfall, just at the end and uop! Estel·la disappeared into the waterfall for a while... funny and really pressure!! Ok, time to go out... one minute Tabitha was in front of me... until her curiosity made her disappear over the edge!! absorbed into the waterfall!! I couldn't do nothing more than wait for which I felt like a long seconds for Tabitha return to the surface of the small lake... she was a bit impacted but perfectly ok..and me I had temptations to try follow her but at the end I jumped more safely.

Well, the way back into this sweet huge jungle was under the rain but no problem because after this active day we had a relaxed and friendly dinner/meeting at Mary's home with Mary's roast chicken and tomato salad and Mamoo-Estel·la noodles. Nyamii!!

It feels good do something! Be active and share nice moments with a good friends!! Thanks to all of you guys!!

The ice cream in Malaysia has a simple technique. Pull down the wrapper, without taking it off and eat the ice cream from the stick, so it will drip into the wrapper around the bottom of the stick. Like this your hands will be clean and you can always eat whatever you've been dropped before! Enjoy ice creams, enjoy the life!!

See you soon!! I miss youuuu!!!

O sóc jo la que encara s'està coent...

Aquest post el faig en català. I'm going to write this post in catalan, I need it!

No se ni per on començar. Potser puc dir que sóc una mica desastre... tan se val si sóc a casa o a uns quants milers de quilòmetres, supos que segueixo essent jo. I qui és jo? Gran pregunta. Cal que em posi filosòfica?? Goyo, perdona'm però ara em fa una mica de mandra ser filosòfica... Tot va genial, no us preocupeu. Simplement són aquelles coses que em proposo fer i o les faig al darrer moment o les acabo no fent... i tinc uns quants exemples... això no pot ser així, no hauria de seguir així!! Diríem allò de 'es que no tinc temps' però no sé si m'ho acceptaríeu, i no és veritat, of course! Sóc mandrosa, a vegades més del que voldria... ja està fet, he tingut el pensament de vinga, des d'ara canvio, si em proposo fer quelcom, intentar no deixar-ho per l'últim dia... ser constant amb alguna cosa. Amb això que sóc de viatge no faig res massa en concret. Tinc cosetes a fer, però les deixo a dins, serà que s'estan coent?