divendres, 7 de maig del 2010

Moment gelat...

Eat ice creams in Malaysia it's not the same that in Barcelona... there is an unknown technique for european people, i think it... who guess the technique?

Thanks Mery for the ice creams and thanks Mamoo for the technique!

Love bus at the Magick River

Here we are, in Magick River, is the last night for us, at least for this time. This morning everybody wanted leave but tonight everybody is here and arrived new part of the family. This is the life in Magick River, people with not many plans... now it's the moment for live without know what to do exactly in a couple of days... mmm!!

Tonight in the Bamboo Palace we are ten, like the first night that i discovered this magick paradise. I've been here with 18 people in two times, now and a month ago. Both moments are so nice and so different... meet other time the family and I realize that always is growing up and everyday we can meet little bit more each other!

Tonight we ate the delicious food that Antares and Mery cooked it, mmm!! Delicious vegetables and pork!! Nyamii!! Terima kasih!! Thank you!

Always happy to going back for enjoy with Antares, Mery, Anor, Ahau and the rest of the family!! This times Love Bus...

Thanks family!! Place to going back... and take a swim in the river, that of course here is a river too!!



dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010

Jo sempre ho dic...

Just after put the last post, i read an email from Mireia where she said that maybe she will not be in Hong Kong when we're planning arrive there. Ok. Now it's a crazy idea... make this hitchhiking without money and for the end won't see Mireia... not, not possible... I think it's happen for one simple reason, we wanna start our own adventurilla but the crazy idea was mine not our then, from the moment it is our adventurilla we have to do our plans, not my plans. Let's see when we make a crazy hitchhiking trip...

Now we have to decide what we wanna do... we need make money early... we're thinking on the way... we'll tell you day by day, like us we'll know our plans day by day... next movement, Magick River, with Antares and family, Mery and everybody who will be in there!!! Have a look... http://magickriver.blogspot.com/ o http://www.magickriver.net/

Petons from both of us to all of you!!

Things to buy for our blog: card reader, the last one was burnt... :)- because i wanna put pictures from yesteday...

our english is improving...

diumenge, 2 de maig del 2010

el gust de la llunA

I'm listening Mamoo singing dolçament amb una guitarra de color verd... per qué últimament totes les guitarres que li cauen a les mans són verdes...?

Aquest xicot que ara canta des del cor amb una veu encantadora, sense ser aquesta la seva especialització, puc afirmar que és tot un artista. El seu cos és l'eina que utilitza per mostrar el que sent, for kill the beat com ell diu, que ve a ser, matar el ritme i ens mostra els seu estil tan especial en ballar breakdance i popping. Tot un plaer veure'l en moviment.
Però aquí no s'acaba la seva ànima d'artista, amb el llapis també fa un bon paper, draw portraits, vamos que dibuixa retrats i molt aconseguits.

Des de fa uns dies que em decidit que continuem junts la meva aventurilla, així que ara formem un equip. La següent etapa d'aquesta la nostra aventurilla és organitzar el que necessitem i començar a somriure amb el polze cap a munt... sisi, comencem una ruta de hitchhiking (autostop) des de Malaysia passant per Thailand, Cambodia, Laos i Xina per arribar a Hong Kong i... txan, txan!! visitar la Mireiaaaa!!! Nena, que arribeeeeem!!

i després la idea és d'allà saltar cap a Australia, on encara està per veure on aterrem... i les aventures que ens esperen...

bé doncs, a partir d'ara les històries les explicarem a dos veus. I ja us puc dir que aquí tots dos esperem qualsevol consell que ens vulgueu donar per aquesta crazy idea!

Ubicació del moment, sofà de Le Village, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sud Est Asiàtic, Àsia, la Terra, Sistema Solar... amb propera parada inmediata el rooftop de l'Oasis.

Salut xente!

Promeses pel blog: translate this post i més constància, entre d'altres :)

Petons, petonassos, kisses, besos, besitos, besazos, cium-cium